Infant Therapies
How our therapist can help
Our therapist provides Occupational Therapy, Feeding and Oral Motor Therapy, Craniosacral Therapy Techniques and Feldenkrais Method® Bodywork and more all-in-one during your baby’s appointment saving you time and money from going to multiple providers. These therapies are gentle, hands-on forms of bodywork and oral motor therapy. Through a variety of neuromotor and manual therapy techniques, she will address movement, sensory, and overall function at the core of the nervous system using a holistic, whole-body approach to swallowing, feeding, and oral motor coordination. Each individual child will be assessed to find the best combination of therapies for them.
Who can benefit from these therapies?
Feeding and oral motor therapy & bodywork can be beneficial to anyone with feeding difficulties, body tension, or movement and coordination issues. Early intervention is key to resolving issues as quickly as possible.
Issues latching on breast or bottle
Slow weight gain
Ear infections
Excessive drooling
Body tension
Decreased body movements due to tension​
Sleep disturbances
Swallowing difficulties
Mouth breathing
Teeth grinding
Difficulties with solid foods
Finger sucking
Excessive oral habits
Head turn preference
Oral dysfunction
Tongue and lip ties (TOTs)
Delayed or diminished reflexes
Delayed vocal sounds
How many sessions are required?
Depending on the severity, typically about 3-6 sessions for optimal results. Treatment plans and frequency of therapy is tailored to the individual and based on the progress made in each session and at home. Your therapist will advise on length of follow up visits after the initial visit.
Occupational Therapy Initial Visit
1 .5 hrs
Health history
Assessment of oral motor and movement: strength, coordination, tension and movement patterns
Discuss options for treatment
Provide manual therapy techniques to address tension, movement and coordination
Provide oral motor and whole body exercises for home to address oral function and gross motor coordination
Infant $200 | Child $200 | Adult $250
Occupational Therapy Follow Ups
45 or 60 minutes
Therapist will advise on time needed
Assessment of progress from last visit
Provide manual therapy techniques to address specific body points that may still require treatment
Provide oral motor and whole body exercises for home
45 min $99 | 60 min $132